Active Learning

The transformative learning process at Vandermont is designed to help our students grow both in and out of the classroom. Each day is filled with opportunities to experience new educational and social situations for further development. Our teachers create a safe and open setting, where they can guide students in exploring the world around them. Our curriculums have been custom-designed by Jenifer Fox, a nationally recognized school consultant specializing in Strength-based schools, author, and founder of several schools in her career.
All of the learning that takes place at Vandermont will be purposeful, fun, and providing a unique learner-led approach that personalizes the whole schooling experience for each student.
Mastery-based learning is our thing! With each student, we will not move on from learning concepts until he/she has reached a level of understanding that can then be added on to effectively.
Academics will be taught in manners that reach each child the best. Just one example: if they need to stand when writing, they can. If they want to do their reading in a bean bag or on the couch, they can. They will have the flexibility to learn in more effective ways. As they grow to learn self-control and time management, they are able to take breaks when needed and then return to work with a refreshed mind and spirit ready to get back to work. If they have questions, they can not only ask a teacher but a friend. Our mixed-age classrooms allow for students to learn from others who have already grasped the work and also for the opportunity to re-teach the work to solidify the concetps further. We encourage this type of collaboration and opportunity to learn from each other.
We offer only high-academic and intellectual curriculums taught individually as well as in small groups.