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Assessments, also referred to as performance tests or authentic assessments, are used to determine what students can and cannot do, in contrast to what they do or do not know. In other words, an alternative assessment measures applied proficiency more than it measures knowledge. Documentation of learning happens in every class, both in regular formative and summative ways. Examples include:


Various Types of Portfolios

Mastery, Developmental, Working, Reading

Oral Forms

Presentation, facilitate community meetings or gatherings, podcast creations, spoken word pieces, dramatizations, scenarios, interviews, panel presentation

Written Forms

Research paper, report, blog entries, composition, poem, learning logs, dramatization, lab work, plan, graphic organizers, action plan and/or proposal for change, written statement

Combined Oral & Written

Project, demonstration, videotape, multimedia, critique/defense, project design, review of performance, self-assessment, reflection, reading, listening or speaking demonstrations of a language


Finished art piece (visual, dramatic, musical), sketchbook, journal, video analysis, infographics, mind maps, test results, others’ assessment of performance or work habits or attitudes, evidence of skills in other work (checklist), letters/notes from adults or peers verifying learning, exemplary record of something over time, use of a planner or organizational device, sign-off sheet, calendar record, physical demonstration of skills, performance scores over time, etc

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