*You will notice we purposefully overlap ages in studios. This allows individuals to move along at their own pace. Placements into specific studios are based on a number of factors.

This studio is tailored to our youngest learners. Spark is THE place to ignite your child's love of learning early in life. Here, your young learner will begin to learn about respect, accountability, and building foundations for lifelong learning.
This studio is a blend of an environment of whole child development: cognitive, physical, emotional, social, and academics. and a launching point for interactive, interdisciplinary group work, focus, and voice- and - choice. Our young learners get to experience hands-on learning, age-appropriate Socratic discussion, team building, and play-based learning. They practice basic goal setting and complete challenges at their own pace. The Spark Studio builds foundations of reading, math, handwriting, science, citizenship, social studies, and independent learning skills that prepare young people to soar in the Discovery Studio.

The Discovery Studio is the next level after Spark, a place where younger students come together to learn core skills and develop life skills and character while having ample opportunities for collaboration, exploration, and free play. Children use hands-on materials as well as adaptive technology to build a strong foundation of core skills. Younger children have more time to explore and play, which is one of the most effective ways for them to develop social and problem-solving skills. They learn how to set goals, work collaboratively, and love learning while also helping and being helped by their friends in the Studio. In Adventure Studio, young learners begin to discover what truly makes them come alive and find who they are along the way.

This studio is our third level, designed for students who have already proven they are able to work independently. Students will work on difficult real-world problems and learn to write and think more deeply. Students continue collaborating and building character and friendships with studio-mates who will challenge and support them through partnerships and peer review of their work. This Studio ultimately brings students to a deeper understanding of their character while they explore their natural talents and gifts to discover who they are and where they are headed.
The Threshold studio is our fourth level and is a rich learning environment that is student-centered and collaborative with a focus on purpose, agency, and mastery learning. With a project-based and community-engaged learning approach, students are developing the skills and competencies needed to prepare our students to lead purposeful lives: critical thinking and problem-solving, clear expression in written and oral communication, collaboration, and a strong work ethic. This studio prepares them for the Launch Studio for High School.

Launchpad Studio is a project-based and self-directed high school studio for learners who wish to design their own learning to “fit” their passions, interests, goals, and learning styles. This studio focuses deeply on readiness so learners are prepared for their next steps after school. We envision our learners going on to attend top colleges, explore gap years, start businesses, enter the workforce, or follow another path depending on their unique interests.

In the Design-Thinking pedagogy, what we present to the learners will be purposeful and aligned with real-life experiences.